Equity Capital Markets

Taking advantage of investment opportunities

The Syracuse Group has a highly focused and educated Equity Capital Markets (ECM) division, providing you with a variety of alternative market investment strategies.

Using the ECM team, we can offer you a more profitable portfolio option by taking advantage of investment opportunities that you would otherwise not have access to in the home market. The Syracuse Group is a well-established and internationally recognized leader in the international capital raising sector. Over the years, we have built solid foundations based on our superior strength of origination and network structuring expertise, which has enabled us to excel in our distribution capabilities. The Syracuse Group has a diverse and extensive reach within the Equity Capital Market sector and, thanks to the network we have established over the years, we are able to give our clients more access to a greater number of profitable investment opportunities.

Our large and dedicated team will be able to assist other areas of our company with a good portion of the research, distribution and reporting of a plethora of opportunities that our research team will bring to their attention.

Syracuse Group origination capabilities include:

  • Initial Public Offerings
  • Follow-up on popular stock issues
  • Issues of convertibility
  • Private Placements

The highly experienced capital market division of Syracuse Group provides each of its clients with access to a large number of alternative investments, including IPOs (initial public offerings), secondary offerings, and a variety of other alternative investment opportunities that are perfect for enhancing your investment portfolio. If you look at alternative investment strategies, the Syracuse Group will work closely with you to determine whether your risk tolerance and other key factors will make you fit for investment. In order to find the right balance of investment for your portfolio and ensure your financial success is the correct way your Syracuse Group adviser will work together with you through a range of potential investments.

Market Summary